One Purchase. All Platforms.
Get SINGPRO on your phone, tablet, laptop and desktop so you can practice anywhere! SINGPRO is compatible with Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android.

Simple & Easy to Learn
Never before has learning to sing been so easy and fun! Beginners will learn how to sing and professionals will have all the tools they need to stay at the top of their game.
Our evaluation process is a proven method of determining a singer’s overall vocal ability and health. It determines the voice habits you have & provides a customized workout to improve your voice. Our online vocal training is the best in the industry.
SINGPRO comes packed full of vocal training tools to improve your voice!
Vocal Studio
This is where everything happens; your Vocal Studio is your portal to access all your workouts, tools, videos & more!Video Library
Fun & informative videos from the world’s most respected vocal experts. Learn about technique, health, & performance. Record & export your own singing videos.Vocal Journal
Store recordings from your warm-ups, work-outs, & evaluations. Keeps track of your written evaluations & track your progress.Warm-Ups
User controlled vocal warm-ups; choose from scale pattern, range, speed, and vowel sound warm-ups.Vocal Recorder
Record, playback, & export your recorded files. Upload karaoke tracks, shift them into the right key for your voice, & share!Pich Training
Learn to identify pitches and also to hear and sing intervals and harmonies through strengthening your voice.Testimonials
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